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Crab Nebula


Are you ready to take your journey back to yourself? 

We are all here to be equal. We are all here to love, be loved, and experience true bliss.  

Our lives are but a blink of an eye.  What did you see in that short glimpse?  Did you live your dreams?  It’s not too late to make your dreams your reality.  

We can all heal our wounds and become truly happy to make a difference in the world.  To change our society’s dynamic, which treats trauma as a disability instead of healing the root cause and teaching us how to move forward without the baggage.  To right the wrongs of our ancestral lines.  To make our future our own, instead of a pre-destined state.  To break the cycles, the chains that bind, the patterns of making the same mistakes again and again.  

To find our bliss, our paths, our truths.  To live authentically, love, and be joyful in our truth for the time we have left on this beautiful Earth.  

Are you ready?  The Gate has opened, all you need to do is step through and we will guide you to your path.  The next stop is Blisstown.  Will you get on the train?

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I began my healing journey looking for answers outside myself and quickly learned that the answers are within.  I am a traditional Tibetan Usui Reiki master with master training in crystal reiki and violet flame modalities.  I use intuitively chosen crystals in all of my reiki sessions, whether virtual or in-person.  I will tailor each program to fit the individuals' needs to achieve the healing they are ready for at each step along the journey.  

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Sessions can take place via video, or by sharing pictures and permission of the receiving party.  

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Virtual or In Person Sessions Available


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Join us for an afternoon of sound healing, intuitive crystal healing and reiki.  Bring your yoga mat, blankets, pillows or cushions, and we’ll supply the rest! 
Jennifer Hawkins of Crystal Bath Company will treat us to a beautiful and soothing sound bath to reset and restore the nervous system with her crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, bells, chimes, rainstick & flower of life wind gong. 
During this sound session Jessica Cole of  Soulestial Journeys will provide intuitive crystal healing as well as Reiki. 
This two hour event will begin by connecting to your own intuition to choose an oracle card and a crystal to work with as the beautiful healing tones wash over you and Jessica gives hands on Reiki energy to each person. 
The last portion of class will be open to discussing the oracle cards, crystals and sharing individual experiences for those who are  feeling safe to share. 
What is Reiki?Rei (Divine Wisdom) & Ki (Universal Life Force) Reiki is a non-invasive technique to promote healing by releasing congested energy centers to enable a good flow of energy in the body.  Reiki can be performed hands on, or virtually, and is a Japanese stress reduction technique that promotes the body’s relaxation response & natural healing ability. 
Reiki dissolves the illusions of fear and empowers your soul to reveal your loving and authentic truth.  
Crystals when combined with reiki can add an extra element of healing to the treatment by helping to release mental, emotional or spiritual blocks. Combining multiple energies for a stronger outcome. 
Cost $40
There will also be an opportunity after class to purchase the crystal or crystals you worked with as well as any others that catch your eye or Jessica recommends. 

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